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埃瓦里斯塔大師 Maestro Evarista's Orchestra

埃瓦里斯塔大師 Maestro Evarista's Orchestra

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Customer Reviews

Musical Picture Book
Story and Illustrations Raquel Bonita

Maestro Evarista is a conductor in search of an orchestra. With a heavy cart full of instruments, the little lizard sets out to find musicians. One by one, she comes across an assortment of animals who lighten her load as they pick their parts in what becomes a ten-member menagerie. Her cart finally empty and her heart full, Maestro Evarista takes the lead in a concert that proves big dreams do come true with a little hard work to see them through.
In a twist on the classic accordion format, this tale unfolds page by page and animal by animal until the full orchestra is presented across a panoramic, ten-panel spread. Introduced in rhyming verse, a vibrant cast of characters appears against a bold black backdrop to set the stage for readers of all ages.

Pub Date: 2022Ages: 3 to 5Keywords: Musical instruments / Animals / Counting / Leadership

Author / Illustrator
Raquel Bonita is a graduate of the School of Professional Illustration in Madrid and began her career as an illustrator working for established publishers in Spain such as Jaguar, Combel and Edebé. Her work has often been selected for exhibits at some of the world’s most respected literary events, more recently at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair and the Sharjah Reading Festival. Originally from Northern Spain, she now lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.

這本音樂繪本帶領讀者踏上一場 充滿音樂與友誼的冒險

伊娃麗絲塔指揮家(Maestro Evarista) 是一隻夢想擁有自己樂團的小蜥蜴。她推著一輛 裝滿樂器的沉重手推車,踏上尋找音樂家的旅程。一路上,她遇見了一群動物朋友,牠們 一個接一個 加入樂團,讓她的車子逐漸變輕,心卻變得更加充實!

最後,當所有樂器都找到屬於自己的演奏者時,伊娃麗絲塔終於可以揮動指揮棒,帶領這 由十隻動物組成的奇妙樂團,為大家帶來一場動人的音樂會。這個故事告訴我們——只要努力,夢想終究會成真!

動物與樂器相結合,透過 押韻的詩句,讓孩子認識不同的樂器與聲音
獨特的手風琴式設計,書頁 一頁頁展開,最後形成 壯觀的 10 頁全景畫面,讓孩子沉浸在音樂與故事之中

There is no additional details for this product.

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