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A Feast Beneath the Moon-Bertie and Friends Hit the Road

A Feast Beneath the Moon-Bertie and Friends Hit the Road


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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lvqAwLDvBDqAFvHyE4TnDh9Vf0WsiL_WM&si=Fzo1Y3M9ITueJ8DiMusical Picture Book

Story and songs Christiane Duchesne and Jérôme Minière Illustrations Marianne Ferrer Featuring performances by Clerel and Geneviève Toupin Narration Mischa Cheeseman

Once upon a time there were four friends who always had oodles and oodles of fun together. After their last adventure full of surprises, a sudden torrential rainfall forces Bertie and gang to take shelter atop Blue Mountain. When they emerge, they encounter an extraordinary girl named Alice, who can grow big or small at the snap of her fingers. Together, they spend a magical night singing and dancing under the moon and shooting stars.

A sequel to A Picnic in the Sun, this imaginative musical tale is interspersed with four beloved traditional songs and 14 original tracks performed with pizzazz and emotion.

Pub Date: 2023Ages: 5 to 7 / Grades K to 3Keywords: Animals / Travel / Friendship / Adventure

Author / Songwriter
Christiane Duchesne is the author of more than 60 children’s books, including A Picnic in the Sun, The Loonies Arrive and W is for Wapiti. She is a two-time winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award and was a finalist for the Hans Christian Andersen Award.

Jérôme Minière has released over a dozen albums, including Le vrai le faux (winner of Le Prix Rapsat-Lelièvre) and Petit cosmonaute (winner of a Felix Award). He has also written music for several theatrical productions, including La fête de Boris, which played at the Festival d’Avignon.

Marianne Ferrer was born in Venezuela and moved to Canada in 1998. After attending Dawson College for illustration and design, she studied graphic design at Université du Québec à Montréal. Her recent publications include A Picnic in the Sun, Carmen and the House That Gaudí Built and The Year My Life Turned Upside Down.

Clerel is a natural-born vocalist, soul singer and songwriter who nurtured his taste for melody in his coastal hometown of Douala, Cameroon before moving to Montreal. He has appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, La Voix, and performed at the Montreal International Jazz Festival.

Geneviève Toupin (also known as Willows) is a Manitoba-born Métis musician based in Montreal. Over the past 12 years, she's released three critically acclaimed albums, earning a Trille Or for best Francophone artist from Western Canada and nominations at the GAMIQ and Canadian Folk Music Awards.


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