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ABRSM Piano Exam Pieces 2023-2024 Grade 3 + Audio

ABRSM Piano Exam Pieces 2023-2024 Grade 3 + Audio

Department: Graded music exams - Piano graded music exams
Publisher: ABRSM
Catalogue No: 9781786014658
Shop Product Code: 404079C


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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM’s Grade 3 Piano syllabus for 2023 & 2024, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C – ideal for both Practical and Performance Grade exams. The pieces have been carefully selected to offer an attractive and varied range of styles, creating a collection that provides an excellent source of repertoire to suit every performer.

The book also contains helpful footnotes and, for those preparing for exams, useful syllabus information.

Audio recordings of all 39 pieces on the Grade 3, performed by expert musicians, are included (via the download code in the book).

A version of this book without audio download is also available.

Department: Graded music exams > Piano graded music exams
Piano > Piano graded music exams
Year of Publication: 2022
Grade: 3
Forces: Keyboard: Piano
Format: Book & Online Audio/Video Downloads
Shop Product Code: 404079C

Anon. - Minuet in G, BWV Anh. II 116
Clementi - Vivace (3rd movt from Sonatina in C, Op. 36 No. 1)
Miroslaw Gasieniec - Hansel and Gretel (from Album for Children)
Nancy Litten - The Sad Ghost
Loeschhorn - Study in F (No. 25 from 48 Etüden in fortschreitender Ordnung, Op. 65)
Nakada - The Song of Twilight (from Piano Pieces for Children)
Chua - T-Rex Hungry (from A Day in the Life of a T-Rex)
Gillock - The Spanish Guitar (from Accents Around the World)
Joplin - The Entertainer, arr. Önaç


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