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Essential Piano Technique Primer B: Making waves

Essential Piano Technique Primer B: Making waves


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Penelope Roskell, author of the award-winning book The Complete Pianist, is recognized as one of the world’s leading exponents of a natural and healthy piano technique. Her series Essential Piano Technique draws on the principles of The Complete Pianist to develop a strong foundation of healthy technique, helping young pianists to progress rapidly and confidently through the early stages of piano playing.

Can be used by beginner pianists alongside existing tutor books to enhance the teaching of good technique
Includes detailed notes for teachers, giving learning objectives and teaching tips
Links to free videos show technique in practice
Fun activities, illustrations and imaginative original music throughout
Teacher accompaniment duets provide a rich musical experience

Penelope Roskell is a Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London. She is a world-leader in the field of healthy piano playing, and Piano Adviser to the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine. Her award-winning book, The Complete Pianist, is the leading book on healthy piano technique. As a soloist she has performed in major concert halls in more than thirty countries.

Primer A: from the first lesson to legato and staccatoPrimer B: from dynamics to scales and broken chordsLevel 1: from hands-together to Grade 1

"Ms Roskell’s book demonstrates that she has a profound understanding of the obstacles - technical, musical, physiological or psychological - encountered by pianists of any age, and an ability to express that understanding in logical terms. I wish I had had access to her book when I was younger." Peter Donohoe CBE, writing about Penelope Roskell's The Complete Pianist

"In terms of its quantity and quality, its detail and depth, I know of no comparable resource."Andrew Eales, pianodao.com, writing about Penelope Roskell's The Complete Pianist

“Any child that heeds Roskell’s advice will develop a solid technical foundation. In sum, this is a fantastic set of beginner technique books”

Michael McMillan, Pianist Magazine, September 2023

Publisher:Edition Peters
Arrangement format:Piano Solo


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