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PIANO SAFARI Chee-Hwa Tan 鋼琴作品集系列 - Windy Nights and Other Tales

PIANO SAFARI Chee-Hwa Tan 鋼琴作品集系列 - Windy Nights and Other Tales

Composed by Chee-Hwa Tan, Windy Nights and Other Tales is a collection of three captivating piano solos. Each piece corresponds with a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. These pieces are intended to encourage young pianists to explore the inherent value of poetry in music and to be bold in expressing..


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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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**島嶼樂集為 PIANO SAFARI 台灣授權經銷\合法報關進口\商品皆會開發票**

**商品圖片及介紹由 PIANO SAFARI  提供**

島嶼Island MusicPIANO SAFARI Chee-Hwa Tan 鋼琴作品集系列




Through the Windowpane

A Child's Garden of Verses

Windy Nights and Other Tales

Circus Sonatinas

A Royal Birthday Celebration



The titles are as follows:

From a Railway Carriage
The Land of Story Books
Windy Nights

A note from the composer:

“This trilogy of piano solos is inspired by more of my favorite poems from A Child’s Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson.  The pieces in this collection reinforce specific musical and technical elements at the intermediate to late intermediate levels of piano study.  I encourage students to first recite the poems and to imagine how they would communicate the story through the sound colors of the piano.  Metronome markings serve only as guidelines – please feel free to choose tempos that reflect how you want the poems to sound.”

Chee-Hwa Tan’s solo piano music is published by Piano Safari; with selections included in the Repertoire and Study syllabi of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Canada, the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, and the London College of Music. Her publishing company, Dayung Sampan Music, expands her philosophy of music making and artistry to other instrumental combinations at all levels.

A native of Malaysia and a naturalized U.S. citizen, Chee-Hwa holds Masters’ degrees in Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy from the Southern Methodist University and a B.A. in Piano Performance and English from Oral Roberts University. Her teachers include Alfred Mouledous, Joaquin Achucarro, E. Gregory Nagode, and Joyce Bridgman. Chee-Hwa lives in Colorado where she and her husband Chris have raised four children who are avid music makers.





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