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The Dreamer (Inspirational Story, Picture Book for Children, Books about Perseverance)

The Dreamer (Inspirational Story, Picture Book for Children, Books about Perseverance)

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 52
Size: 9 x 11 V
Age Range: 3 - 5 Years
Publication Date: 09/11/2018
ISBN: 9781452156088


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數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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**島嶼樂集為美國 Chroniclebooks 台灣授權經銷\合法報關進口\商品皆會開發票**

**商品圖片及介紹由 Chroniclebooks 提供**

Even pigs can learn to fly: Once, there was a pig who admired birds. But he could never join them. Or could he? Thus begins the journey of a pig with big dreams, and the perseverance to make them come true. He develops flight plans, builds experimental contraptions, and has far-flung adventures, but at the end of the day, his favorite thing to do is sit and watch for those he loves best: birds. Il Sung Na creates a world at once whimsical and aspirational, where anything is possible and, yes, even pigs can learn to fly.

Il Sung Na received Honorable Mention, Best Concept Book for The Opposite Zoo by The Huffington Post and Amazon.com named The Opposite Zoo one of the Best Children's Books of 2016.

• Teaches young children that anything is possible
• Encourages kids to dream big and set goals
• Inspires readers with the message that dreams can come true


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